Witness Truth... Know Tradition... Behold the Faith...

Faith is more than just a simple proclamation of belief. It is a lifestyle. It is a culture. Faith is the embrace of virtue:

Responsibility, Courage, Weaponized Charity
Responsibility, Courage, Weaponized Charity



Catholicism & the US Army Field Service

I recently had the incredible opportunity to view a collection of extraordinary historical artifacts associated with the Catholic US Army Field Service. The experience left

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Catholicism & the US Army Field Service

I recently had the incredible opportunity to view a collection of extraordinary historical artifacts associated with the Catholic US Army Field Service. The experience left

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"Whom we preach, admonishing every man, and teaching every man in all wisdom, that we may present every man perfect in Christ Jesus."

Today’s struggle is a war of cultures: Life and death, God and anti-God. Depravity, despair, and sin wreaks havoc on the soul of modern man, making him weak. We offer a simple Truth to Behold: there is only One Way out of the darkness… the Faith.

Faith is more than a blind leap: It is reason, It is humility, It is the relentless pursuit of Truth…  

Every institution of the world rots from the inside out, accepting the doctrines of modernity, relativism, and pride… except for Holy Mother Church. She is the solution: she remains firm, unmoved for over 2,000 years. She is steeped in Tradition. Steeped in a Culture deeper than ALL that the world has to offer. The greatest artists, the greatest architecture, and the greatest advancements have come from her.

"Whom we preach, admonishing every man, and teaching every man in all wisdom, that we may present every man perfect in Christ Jesus."

Today’s struggle is a war of cultures: Life and death, God and anti-God. Depravity, despair, and sin wreaks havoc on the soul of modern man, making him weak. We offer a simple Truth to Behold: there is only One Way out of the darkness… the Faith.

It is urgent that we strive to rechristianize popular celebrations and customs. It is urgent that public amusements should no longer be left to face the dilemma of being either over-pious or pagan.
Ask God to Provide laborers for this much-needed work which could be called the 'entertainment apostolate'

Faith is more than a blind leap: It is reason, It is humility, It is the relentless pursuit of Truth…  

Every institution of the world rots from the inside out, accepting the doctrines of modernity, relativism, and pride… except for Holy Mother Church. She is the solution: she remains firm, unmoved for over 2,000 years. She is steeped in Tradition. Steeped in a Culture deeper than ALL that the world has to offer. The greatest artists, the greatest architecture, and the greatest advancements have come from her. 


To be a Catholic means being a happy warrior. It means professing the ancient and immutable Faith over the latest fashionable secular dogmas. It means doing the hard thing. Always. 

To paraphrase Thomas Aquinas, it means saying to a world that rebukes us for still believing, “Yes, justice without mercy is cruelty. Mercy without justice is the mother of all dissolution.” 

As the West divides itself from within, the solutions are nothing new. They were spoken through the prophets and in the genesis of time itself. Nevertheless, we stand with one purpose. To show you just how deep the Faith goes…

To be a Catholic means being a happy warrior. It means professing the ancient and immutable Faith over the latest fashionable secular dogmas. It means doing the hard thing. Always. To paraphrase Thomas Aquinas, it means saying to a world that rebukes us for still believing, “Yes, justice without mercy is cruelty. Mercy without justice is the mother of all dissolution.” 

As the world divides itself from within, the solutions are nothing new. They were spoken through the prophets and in the genesis of time itself. Nevertheless, we stand with one purpose. To show you just how deep the Faith goes…